
Mind Over Matter: Mastering the Graduate Student Mindset

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Image shows Mind Over Matter Course Banner consisting of synapses symbolizing the graduate student mindset

Beat Student Procrastination, Finish Graduate School!

Another day passes without measurable progress. You wonder why you can’t get yourself to read that journal article, start that assignment, open your thesis, or resume cleaning your data. The student procrastination demon is strong. But hey, your room has never been so clean and you’ve learned to swear in 12 languages (thanks Google), so at least it’s productive procrastination!

Meanwhile, you wonder why you can’t seem to get motivated to do anything until the last minute. Is it just you? The other students seem to be on top of things. Are you just lazy? Do you even belong in grad. school?

Why does productivity have to be so hard? Why is it so hard to just sit down and work? Are you just a procrastinator, doomed to be productive only under the most stressful conditions?

The answer is no.

Some Procrastination in Graduate School is Normal

With a decade of experience coaching graduate students, I can tell you, procrastination in grad. school is a universal experience. Even the smartest and hardest-working students sometimes struggle to get started with their work. But what about when the occasional lack of motivation becomes chronic? What happens when every task and assignment becomes a struggle to get started?

If you find yourself constantly stressed, chronically procrastinating, and not maintaining the productivity you need to get through graduate school, this course is for you.

Chronic Procrastination in Grad. School is Not Normal

Chronic procrastination among students is a huge contributor to drop-out in graduate school and it’s a problem rarely addressed by advisors, faculty, or mentors.

Most students are too embarrassed to admit that they are struggling with procrastination so they suffer unsupported for years, while time, energy, and money slip through their fingers. All the while, they’re thinking that there’s something wrong with them. Chronic procrastination in students can lead to:

‣ Increased stress
‣ Loss of self-confidence
‣ Anxiety and depression
‣ Feeling shame and discouragement
‣ Slower progress
‣ Poorer quality work
…and even more procrastination

Chronic Student Procrastination = Chronic Misunderstanding

If you chronically procrastinate, you’re probably wondering why it’s so hard to overcome what seems like a simple problem. The reason is that chronic procrastination is chronically misunderstood. It’s mistaken for laziness, lack of discipline, or lack of commitment. With recommendations relying on brute-force willpower and without regard to your individual circumstances.

You Are Not Lazy or Undisciplined!

The Secret to Overcoming Student Procrastination

The truth is, many factors lead to student procrastination and any solution that doesn’t recognize these factors is going to fail. That’s why I developed this course. I want to give you a process for identifying and addressing the factors that are leading to your flavor of procrastination because one solution doesn’t fit all.

Sign Up Today and Learn to:

‣Deal with the unhelpful thoughts, attitudes, and beliefs sabotaging your productivity
‣Work with executive functioning challenges that make productivity harder for you
‣Change your approach to procrastination-prone tasks to make them easier to complete
‣Identify your motivational style to tailor your approach to productivity and become more effective

Mind Over Matter: Mastering the Graduate Student Mindset

This self-paced course, developed by a graduate student success coach and in collaboration with professional instructional designer, contains 12-modules (8 core and 4 optional) that will teach you:

‣ Module 1: the real origin of procrastination
‣ Module 2: the one foundational skill needed to defeat procrastination
‣ Module 3: the process for applying that foundation to all flavors of academic procrastination
‣Module 4: destroy the myth of fixed performance and recognize your skills
‣Module 5: take on the lying liar that is perfectionism
‣Module 6: rebuild your academic confidence
‣Module 7: remove “procrastinator” from your vocabulary
‣Module 8: techniques for bringing down the stress
‣Module 9: work with executive functions and play to your strengths
‣Module 10: change your approach to procrastination-prone tasks
‣Module 11: how to energize your motivation
‣Module 12: identify your motivational style and use it to your advantage

That’s like getting 12 coaching sessions for the price of 2!
Are you ready to kick procrastination to the curb?

Why This Course?

Developed by Academic Success Coach, Dr. Cristie Glasheen this course distills a decade of experience working with graduate students to overcome their procrastination and build motivation.

Tailored to meet the needs of graduate students working to complete one of the biggest challenges of their lives, Dr. Glasheen brings a practical approach to solving one of the most pervasive problems in graduate school, chronic procrastination.

Filled with practical activities and an interactive course design, Dr. Glasheen will take you through everything you need to defeat your procrastination demons and kick grad. school ass!

What Students Are Saying